When you create a new field, you see an option to override the auto-generated field key. This field key is the central part of every field. Right after creating a field, try choosing a well thought name for the field key. While it’s possible to change it at any time, but it is recommended not to change it after storing and outputting a significant amount of data against this field key. Anytime you change it, you have to update the code—in your templates—that was associated with previous field key. And here is the catch: on updating the code, all your previously seen data stored against previously used field key won’t be visible on your site. The data stored, however, is still there and will never be removed from the database. When you switch back to your old key, all your data will again become visible.
For getting the new code, Go to “Get the Code” section of the field. Try to remember hitting “Save Fields” after making changes.
Now, whether you create the field at topmost position, or inside a field group, or inside tabs or accordions, the code to get the field value will remain same. Tabs, accordions, field groups are just the organization tools—they don’t affect how the value is stored and accessed.
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